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  1. Community
  2. CMTY-416

Online Form: Including title of form in the email


      We have multiple forms and regardless of the type of form, all the notification emails have the subject "Online Form Submitted." 

      This makes it challenging to sort which forms should be handled by which person. For example we have a volunteer coordinator that handles all the volunteer applications, another person who handles applications. I'm requesting that we have the option to include the form name in the email subject.


      "Volunteer - Online Form Completed"

      "Application - Online Form Completed"

      "Home Inspection - Online Form Completed"

      Less important, but extremely helpful, would be the option to also include the form ID in the email subject. I know it's already in the body of the email but having it in the subject would be wonderful.


            Unassigned Unassigned
            linh Linh Vandermar
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