New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Modify Contact Journal Entries to mimic the Animal Journal Entry feature.
-Provide the ability to create predefined Journal Types and Categories for contact records.
-Provide the ability to document date complete and due date to Contact Journal Records.
-Provide the ability to report on Contact Journal types.
Considerations: Historic journal entries would remain in system as is. New journal entries would require a type/category assignment.
Reason for change: Most organizations store documentation as it relates specifically to the contact vs the animal. Many organizations require renewed foster training, volunteer training, updated foster agreements (either as a yearly requirement and/or organization changes may require a new agreement to be signed), specific routine tasks to be preformed (adoption follow-up date - this does not necessarily fall into the calls bucket as that acts as an answering service nor does this necessarily fall into the reminders bucket as that serves as tasks - this feature is specific to our adopters(customers) and actions we need to follow through with post adoption and could have legal implications if not complete. Spay/Neuter is a follow-up specific with the animal but an adoption follow-up is specific to the contact responding to us and it should not be logged against the animal.)
Modify Contact Journal Entries to mimic the Animal Journal Entry feature. -Provide the ability to create predefined Journal Types and Categories for contact records. -Provide the ability to document date complete and due date to Contact Journal Records. -Provide the ability to report on Contact Journal types. Considerations: Historic journal entries would remain in system as is. New journal entries would require a type/category assignment. Reason for change: Most organizations store documentation as it relates specifically to the contact vs the animal. Many organizations require renewed foster training, volunteer training, updated foster agreements (either as a yearly requirement and/or organization changes may require a new agreement to be signed), specific routine tasks to be preformed (adoption follow-up date - this does not necessarily fall into the calls bucket as that acts as an answering service nor does this necessarily fall into the reminders bucket as that serves as tasks - this feature is specific to our adopters(customers) and actions we need to follow through with post adoption and could have legal implications if not complete. Spay/Neuter is a follow-up specific with the animal but an adoption follow-up is specific to the contact responding to us and it should not be logged against the animal.)